I'm a little late I know it's Wednesday but I made some really good cookies this week, which I can't eat because I started my diet a couple of days before the new year. This diet entails no chips, cookies, candy, anything tasty is basically out! And no ramen noodles which I am particularly missing right now :(
My main goal was no chips because I have a problem, I admit I have a very big problem with chips. We will go to the store, buy a bag, I'll have chips for dinner and later a snack and Nick will hardly get the chance to try them before I eat every last crumb, and I'm not exaggerating at all which is really sad. I did this "Diet" before the wedding and with exercise I lost about 13 pounds which was awesome so I'm back on.

I made these Peanut Butter cookies for Nick because he loves them and it was Mom's receipt. I'll admit before the marathon I did load up on my carbs with my pasta dinner the night before....and I did sneak one cookie. It was really good but not the way Mom makes them, I don't know what her secret is???