I keep forgetting to post about our wonderful experience to a live Cardinals game. I tell you what I work for a great company, because the vendors that want our business take us out to fancy shmancy lunches, fly you on jets with real mahogany ;), and give you private box seats to foot ball games!!!

Iwas given 2 tickets to see the cardinals a couple weeks back vs. Seahawks. Let me paint you a picture...we get in the gate and I have to hand my ticket to the guy and he looks up at me and giggles and hands back my ticket....then we go to a private elevator and I hand my tickets to that guy...and he looks at me and smiles and says "Enjoy" like he really really means it....then we get in the elevator and have to show the tickets again and we go to the TOP!!! and the elevator guy says wow and hands back the ticket! That's right private box seats owwwwww!!!! I was already enjoying myself and we hadn't even gotten off the frickin' elevator yet this was going to be good.
We are directed down a really long hallway that goes all the way around the field and every so often you would pass someone who worked there in a suit and tie and they just sort of nodded at us and smiled and said enjoy...weird it was like we were somewhere we weren't supposed to be. I didn't have the heart to tell them I didn't pay for the tickets and I probably couldn't afford them in the first place...shhhhh our secret. Then we finally find our room and we are the first ones to arrive. The room is decked out with awesome red furniture for the cardinals fans and it had a private bathroom and free food and drinks! We were about on the 30 yard line and could see everything, we were also right where the cardinals come out of the locker rooms in the RED ZONE . AWESOME!!! Are the capital letters expressing how awesome it was?

That is the way to see a football game, I really wanted to ask for Superbowl tickets but I didn't want to push my luck :) If you ever get the chance to go.....GO even if you don't like football that was an amazing experience but I am a Packers fan, and also a cardinals fan....there's always next year, next year.

Then Martha Stewart came to me in a dream and demanded I make foot ball cookies for the Superbowl party, and I listened.
Hmmm Little Footballs ah ah ah ah aha