So, I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks sorry guys, I know you are just dying to know what we are up to huh?
Well I started my new job last week and so far I love it! The building is beautiful with a view (not a corner office view ) but it's pretty nice and lights!!!!!!!! I have light which I NEVER had at my last office. It's amazing how such a little thing like natural lighting could make all the difference in the world. The people I work with are great so far and guess what? I work with a bunch of vegetarian, vegan, hummus eatin' hippies how much better could it get? We have vendor meetings and they bring in lunch for us and at my last job I was always the "Difficult" one because I didn't eat meat but not at Apollo Group the tally is 3 to 2 so the vegetarians are winning in the lunch department. :) I am excited to get some projects going and start being helpful because right now I am just learning their process.
I'm not sure if I have talked about Nick starting school yet or not but he did....and loves it. I think the first day I was more excited than he was when he came home I wanted to know everything that happened...which is never very exciting for those first couple of days. I even took a first day of school picture just like Mom used to do for us in front of the door with the poster on it. I made him stand in front of our door in his school shirt that they make them wear with his brand new backpack over his shoulder....ah ha h ah ah ah ah he's such a good sport. I wish I could post the picture but our camera wasn't working that day of course so I had to use what was left on the disposable camera, bummer. (FYI So to any of you out there that have a digital camera do what the instructions say and buy those stupid expensive batteries they really do make a difference between you camera working and not working.)
Soooo, Nick has a test every couple of days and he got 3 100% on his tests in a row! Overall he has an A in the class and it's already almost over because each course is only 3 weeks long. I'm so proud of him for going to school and doing so well in it already, I hope this boosts his confidence because he was really nervous about going back.
We started a new game night during the week so we turn the TV off for a little bit and hang out. It's been a blast we have a lot of fun playing Scrabble. This game only reminds me that I can't spell for you know what so we keep a dictionary handy. The only problem is the dictionary we have was one I kept from about 5th grade so it really doesn't have a lot of the words I uh...make up.....I mean need to look up.

Crap! What am I going to do with these letters?
Nope, not a word. (I'm eating pretzels)

Nick is thinking so hard, we were really getting down to the end
of the game and running out of options.
As far as Happy Homemaker Monday I have slacked...the camera wasn't working but here is a list of items you missed out on...more to come.
Pot Pie - Which looked absolutely Martha!
Apple Crumble
Cocoa Crackles - Which I re-named "My cookies look better than your cookies...cookie. "

What's left in the picture is sort of the "rejects" of the bunch, you know the only ones we were ever allowed to eat thanks mom! They look much better in person and oh so tasty.