So, it's Happy Homemaker Monday in case you all forgot and I wanted to share with you a little somethin' I whipped up in the kitchen. So we were at home the other night and Nick said he really had a craving for some Peanut Butter Cups which we didn't have, he has a real sweet tooth. So while he was at school I found a recipet for them and here they are right out of the freezer just how he likes them. Nick took some to school and like the nice guy he is he shared them with his friend who didn't believe that his wife actually made them. Not bad.
Ta da!

We had a lot of fun this weekend we went to the largest car show I have ever been to in my life! There were over 3,000 cars, we actually made it through the whole thing with time to spare so we went into the tent where they had all the vendors selling tools and car parts, it was awesome. We've been saving up and here is a little something we brought home, what do you think?

Just kidding, but I sure can pose and dream no?
those cups looked like perfection...way to go. I want a parisol to walk around in the sun with. That's how you stay so beautifully whitey white white.
Man do I love a good car show, so much fun.
you are so cute and good job on the cups. they look huge! very impressive.
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