Happy Valentines Day! I know, I know its April but hey my Mom still has her Christmas decorations up so that must be where I get it from.
It's always Valentine's Day at the Graves house
So Valentine's Day is my most favorite day ever! It's also my birthday, I love everything about it and I mean everything. If it is red or pink with hearts on it, I probably have it. My Mom always gives me all the valentines day stuff, I have everything from ice trays to casserole dishes...and then some....see for yourself, obsessed much? I also leave it up all year round, I have a happy little Valentine's bathroom and all. I think Nick is a good sport because he seems to think we don't need everything in hearts, I do however disagree. Take a look at our Valentines day garb, and I hope everyone had as great a day as we did.
i love all your valentine's day stuff and you so get that from mom. you have NOOOOO idea what a good sport nick is to let you do all the pink and hearts, etc. joe would laugh me out of town if i tried to put up that shower curtain. a really nice person must have given you that beautiful heart soap dispenser and candy heart picture frame. cute post. love to all!
OK, OK...I take all the blame...and some of the credit, for helping you go a little (?) overboard with all the hearts and flowers and pink and red scattered through-out your house. I'm just really happy that you seriously love your Valentine's Day Birthday. You were born two weeks late you know, just so you could have that birthdate. You were so worth the wait! And to be born on Valentine's Day with red hair was perfect!...the best! XOX
fun fun fun...ya scored a big one with Nickoli cause jim would be the same as joe. aside from the heart warmie bottle thing that candy heart frame is my favorite. i always second guess myself when i get you something with a heart...like she won't really want this, but i guess that isn't the case.now if only they made this much stuff for groundhog day annie might have you on the run.
i love all your valentine's day stuff and you so get that from mom. you have NOOOOO idea what a good sport nick is to let you do all the pink and hearts, etc. joe would laugh me out of town if i tried to put up that shower curtain. a really nice person must have given you that beautiful heart soap dispenser and candy heart picture frame. cute post. love to all!
OK, OK...I take all the blame...and some of the credit, for helping you go a little (?) overboard with all the hearts and flowers and pink and red scattered through-out your house. I'm just really happy that you seriously love your Valentine's Day Birthday. You were born two weeks late you know, just so you could have that birthdate. You were so worth the wait! And to be born on Valentine's Day with red hair was perfect!...the best! XOX
I "heart" your hear stuff. Nothing wrong with having love all around.
fun fun fun...ya scored a big one with Nickoli cause jim would be the same as joe. aside from the heart warmie bottle thing that candy heart frame is my favorite. i always second guess myself when i get you something with a heart...like she won't really want this, but i guess that isn't the case.now if only they made this much stuff for groundhog day annie might have you on the run.
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