We have been watching this show on TLC called "Toddlers in Tiaras." It is a show about kids that are in beauty pageants and the parents that actually put them in these contests.
It's all really people no actors and the ages of the kids that are in the pageants range from new born on up. It is the craziest show because they put these kids in ridiculous costumes with big hair, lots of makeup and fake teeth called "Flippers."
These poor kids look like adults all made up and it is so weird they have a talent competition, beauty walks, and my favorite part of the pageant is Western Wear. I love it! This is my interpretation of the show...I clearly won Grand Supreme! By the way my crown was 7" high oww!
This is the walk these little girls do, love the action shot.
The parents in this show are the worst, they are usually crazy and the ones pushing their kids to do this. If you haven't seen the show my costume is a little ridiculous please watch, it's like a car crash you can't stop watching. Happy Halloween 2009!

My favorite part of the night was when we were getting ready to leave, two girls came running up to me screaming and laughing. They were screaming Toddlers in Tiaras they loved my costume. They thought it was the funniest thing they had seen all night and totally knew what my costume was from. Those two girls made my night and all the time it took to make my costume. Yep, I said make I sewed the whole thing myself. It was probably the most uncomfortable costume I have ever worn, next year gunny sac.
Awesome. HIGHlarious. Very creative. Love it all. You and Nick make quite the Halloween couple.
You absolutely never cease to amaze me! You looked adorable! And hysterical! I haven't seen the show, but I can only imagine. Your costume and hair and tiarra were all wonderful. You get the prize! How fun for you to have those girls come up and fuss all over you; no wonder it made your day, especially since you did it all yourself. Look out, Brother Call...there's some competition here. XOX
Red you are SO funny. Impressive work! i want to click on the pics so I can see better, but it won't let me... I can't tell; is Nick Amish, ZZ top or a Jewish Orthodox priest? lol I just love how the party and fun times always seems to follow YOU!
so rad, I love it love it. i always wait too long to think of something fun and then it's too late. you make me want to watch the show.
oh and btw...charlie is TOTALLY going to do that when she's older
So funny! Can't wait until you have a little girl and enter her in all those pageants. I see you as a stage mom and you can sew all her costumes!
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