Thursday, July 9, 2009

We're Moving to Chicago wish us luck!

Just kidding I wish we were moving to Chicago. Jane says I wouldn't last one winter...she's probably right I think I'm doomed to live in the desert my whole life wah wah.
I went to Chicago a couple of weeks ago for I sound all grown up :) One of the companies that I work with gets a ton of money from us we are their biggest client and I mean HUGE! They asked if our design department wanted to go to Chicago for the annual NeoCon trip. NeoCon if you are not familiar is a week event held every year in Chicago and features everything that is new and exciting in the design world like new furniture, fabrics, and carpet. Blah blah blah it's a big deal if you are in my field. I've always wanted to go but tickets are expensive and at my last job you had to be a senior designer to be able to go and I was next in line but I quit that job.

Anyhow it was amazing I love Chicago so much I would move there in a heart beat. There is something about that town, I like it better than New York. It feels so much more active, friendly, cleaner, I don't something is in the air there. Chicago, Chicago that lovely town! Yep and we sang that all week. Here is how my trip to NeoCon went in a nut shell.
Me in front of my absolute favorite building ever, I can't wait to be an looks like Gotham City no? The black building.
We flew to Chicago and arrived at our very nice hotel, when we checked in Facilitec (That's the company that paid for everything) had goodie bags waiting for us. That's fun. Then we were limoed around, wined and dined at Fancy shmancy restaurants...we ate at the restaurant that Johnny Depp ate at a week after we were in Chicago where he gave a $4,000 tip. Yep we just missed him.

Here are some photos of me at NeoCon trying out all the new stuff so fun...if you're into that kind of a thing. It's 14 stories high of nothing but trying stuff out. It's kind of like going to IKEA for the first time x 14 stories :)

Get off you can't afford that lounge, ah so sleepy.
Companies that are featured at NeoCon have giveaways and there were a lot of awesome bags given out. Now we don't ever have to use plastic at the grocery stores.

Ahh local flavor, this guy was down by the pier recording people kicking him in the nuts so he could post it on Utube...yep you know I did it I'll bet I'm on utube somewhere :)

Bah ah ah ah ah ah

This is a local bar, I thought the sign was great I had to do the same pose!

I really wanted to do all things they did in Ferris Bueller's Day off, but we didn't have much time to ourselves our days were pretty planned out for us. This is the same shot from the movie, next time I go I will go to the top of the Sears tower, lean and put my forehead on the glass and look down at all the people in the city that look like ants from up there.


annieareyouok said...

GREAT post. well worth the wait. you always say the cutest stuff it's like hearing you talk .... only reading it. i love that you are having your picture taken in a chair and i love it even more that you are excited by the chair itself. you are so grown up with your "business trips", but you will always be my 4 year old red-headed baby sis buff puff.

Kate said...

HIGH-larious. Annie's right,I can totally hear you talk when you write. You are so funny wanting to do all Ferris's stuff, I never would have thought. You are in the exact field for you, it's brilliant. Also isn't that stuff at the show like 100 x more expensive than ikea? I can see you in Chicago, think of all the fun cold weather clothes you would have.

annieareyouok said...

i also wanted to say that i think the picture of you "winding up" to kick that guy in the balls is hilarious. you should put that one in a frame somewhere .... like the bathroom or over your bed ;)

Kim said...

We love Chicago too! Todd's aunt & uncle live on Lincoln Park West, right across from the Lincoln Park Zoo. It's a fab city. So glad you got to go & have fun.

yo nance said...

I loved, loved your post! It was like being with fun. The photos were making me want to move there, too.

findingbenjamin said...

HIlarious post! Thanks for that. lol. seriously I'm laughing out loud. and if you ever find the youtube link, I want to see it (couldn't find it myself...) =( xo b